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Welcome my website HisEvilness.com!
This website was created as a creative outlet as well as a central place for people who want to know more about me, Paul "HisEviless" Ripmeester. On hisevilness.com, you can find more about my work, hobby's and passions. Throughout the years, I have had several nicknames, but HisEvilness is the one that stuck. The handle HisEvilness also has become a code-word reference in my field of work. Regarding my career, I can share some, but not everything as some material is deemed classified or a trademark secret. But there is a section dedicated with various white papers found here: Defense & Strategy. In my free time, I spent a considerable amount of time playing competitive PvP games. And single-player strategy and turn-based games. List of games and clans/guilds can be found here: My games and hardware. Besides that, I also do a considerable amount of overclocking, flashing Samsung Galaxy series smartphones and working on SEO for my websites. I have written various guides and tutorials that can be found here: Technology. But I have written many more articles on multiple topics you can find a list of all items and content here: Categorical listing of all content.
This website also has some downloadable content. A wide selection of high-quality Corsair iCue RGB profiles that work with all Corsair iCue devices can be found here: Corsair iCue RGB Profiles. PDF files of some of the guides and tutorials in the categories listed above found here: PDF Files. A full categoric listing of all downloads can be found here: Downloads.
Work-related I do mainly strategy and tactics for all branches of the military as well as some engineering and R&D in the field munitions, protection and camouflage. Several big projects I was highly involved with is the LCA or MLCA, and that stands for Layered Composite Armour(Stryker) or Multi-Layed Composite Armour(Armata). And V-Carbide, a new highly dense and tensile strength material, used for fin-stabilized SABOT tank munition and Armour Piercing munition for Sniper and DMR platforms. A new line of Digital Camouflage for Reconnasannce and Special Forces units called Project Ghost.
In gaming, the name HisEvilness has become infamous for my Sniping and general long-range accuracy as well as clutching in close range against much more considerable opposition. But more on that in the article right below this introduction. To shrug off some of the harmful and toxic attention when being a celebrity of some sorts, I contribute a great deal in online memes that are shrouded in disrespect.
To prevent confusion, a central place for my accounts/social media and work is located here as well. Links to social media platforms Twitter, YouTube, Steam, DeviantArt, Player.me, and Gab.ai. On PC and Laptop links are located on the top left of the site for easy access. Without further a due I will leave you to your own devices exploring my website. I have a broad scope of interests, and I will continue to add more content as time progresses.
Enjoy your stay,
Paul "HisEvilness" Ripmeester